Ish snofest ther shit-hed of ther-it that fehmed yu.
yu snofest ther shit-hed of ther-it that fehmed Ish.
Ish snofest ein rosed of ther-it that fehmed yu.
yu snofest ein rosed of ther-it that fehmed Ish.
Ish not fehmest ein coment of ther-it that spehned yu.
yu not fehmest ein coment of ther-it that spehned Ish.
wires gehest to ther barish, to nehmest ein cafi?
wies gow to the bar, to take a cofi?
wires gehest to ther parkish, to fehmest ein cigarret of hemp-lois?
wies gow to the park, to make a cigarret of hemp-lois?
Not gehest to ther parkish becose ein porkish gehed to ther parkish.
Not gow to the park becose a pork gowed to the park.
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