sábado, 3 de octubre de 2020

programació destructor

estructura node-llista
int *anterior;
int *abaish-esquerra;
int *abaish;
int *abaish-dreta;
int *seguent;

estructura sub-node-llista
int *adalt-esquerra;
estructura sub-node-llista
int *adalt;
estructura sub-node-llista
int *adalt-dreta;

estructura llista
int *principi-de-llista;
int *avall-esquerra;
int *avall;
int *avall-dreta;
int *final-de-llista;

estructura sub-llista
int *amunt-esquerra;
estructura sub-llista
int *amunt;
estructura sub-llista
int *amunt-dreta;

construir-node-de-llista-en-final( int *llista )
node = construir-node( sizeof(estructura) );
sub-node-esquerra = construir-node( sizeof(sub-estructura) );
sub-node = construir-node( sizeof(sub-estructura) );
sub-node-dreta = construir-node( sizeof(sub-estructura) ); 

node->abaish-esquerra = sub-node-esquerra;
sub-node-esquerra->adalt-esquerra = node;

node->abaish = sub-node;
sub-node->adalt = node;

node->abaish-dreta = sub-node-dreta;
sub-node-dreta->adalt-dreta = node;

node->anterior = final-de-llista;
final-de-llista->seguent = node;
final-de-llista = node;

construir-node-de-llista-en-principi( int *llista )
node = construir-node( sizeof(estructura) );
sub-node-esquerra = construir-node( sizeof(sub-estructura) );
sub-node = construir-node( sizeof(sub-estructura) );
sub-node-dreta = construir-node( sizeof(sub-estructura) ); 

node->abaish-esquerra = sub-node-esquerra;
sub-node-esquerra->adalt-esquerra = node;

node->abaish = sub-node;
sub-node->adalt = node;

node->abaish-dreta = sub-node-dreta;
sub-node-dreta->adalt-dreta = node;

node->seguent = principi-de-llista;
principi-de-llista->anterior = node;
principi-de-llista = node;

construir-llista( int *llista )
llista = construir-node( sizeof(estructura) );
sub-llista-esquerra = construir-node( sizeof(sub-estructura) );
sub-llista = construir-node( sizeof(sub-estructura) );
sub-llista-dreta = construir-node( sizeof(sub-estructura) ); 
node = construir-node( sizeof(estructura) );
sub-node-esquerra = construir-node( sizeof(sub-estructura) );
sub-node = construir-node( sizeof(sub-estructura) );
sub-node-dreta = construir-node( sizeof(sub-estructura) ); 

llista->avall-esquerra = sub-llista-esquerra;
sub-llista-esquerra->amunt-esquerra = llista;

llista->avall = sub-llista;
sub-llista->amunt = llista;

llista->avall-dreta = sub-llista-dreta;
sub-llista-dreta->amunt-dreta = llista;

node->abaish-esquerra = sub-node-esquerra;
sub-node-esquerra->adalt-esquerra = node;

node->abaish = sub-node;
sub-node->adalt = node;

node->abaish-dreta = sub-node-dreta;
sub-node-dreta->adalt-dreta = node;

llista->principi-de-llista = node;
llista->final-de-llista = node;

stehed-English [ ate-hofnest ]

enterrate-hofnest <==> enterrate <==> enterrar

entelate-hofnest <==> entelate <==> entelar

desenterrate-hofnest <==> desenterrate <==> desenterrar

desentelate-hofnest <==> desentelate <==> desentelar

transrate-hofnest <==> transrate <==> transcribir

translate-hofnest <==> translate <==> traducir

muldrate-hofnest <==> muldrate <==> moler

murdrate-hofnest <==> murdrate <==> morir

mulderate-hofnest <==> mulderate <==> moldear

murderate-hofnest <==> murderate <==> morder

murrestate-hofnest <==> morrestate <==> amorrar?

mulestate-hofnest <==> molestate <==> molestar

arrestate-hofnest <==> arrestate <==> arrestar

alestate-hofnest <==> alestate <==> alertar?

intrate-hofnest <==> intrate <==> entrar

instrate-hofnest <==> instrate <==> instruir

exitate-hofnest <==> exitate <==> salir

existate-hofnest <==> existate <==> existir

rukate-hofnest <==> rokate <==> rocar

ruskate-hofnest <==> roskate <==> roscar

inrukate-hofnest <==> inrokate <==> enrocar

inruskate-hofnest <==> inroskate <==> enroscar

desinrukate-hofnest <==> desinrokate <==> desenrocar

desinruskate-hofnest <==> desinroskate <==> desenroscar

Ish translate-hofnest ther-it that spehned Ish.

I translate the-it that speaked I.

Ish intrate-hofned in ther clase to instrate-hofnest to ther people.

I intrate in the clase to instrate to the people.

ther vinil disk not ruskate-hofnest correct.

the vinil disk not roskate correct.

stehed-English [ rtch-ltch ]

sertch-reihest <==> sertch <==> buscar

seltch-leihest <==> seltch <==> vender

scortch-reihest <==> scortch <==> quemar

scoltch-leihest <==> scoltch <==> llamar

birtch-reihest <==> birtch <==> ?

biltch-leihest <==> biltch <==> eructar

wirtch-reihest <==> wirtch <==> ?

wiltch-leihest <==> wiltch <==> ?

Ish scortch-reihest ein papers.

not sertch-reihest ther-it that fehmed Ish.

Ish scoltch-leihest to my mother.

stehed-English [ TE-SE ]

aufen-writest <==> write <==> escribir

aufen-wrisest  <==> wrise <==> ascender

aufen-swritest <==> swrite <==> describir

aufen-swrisest  <==> swrise <==> descender

aufen-clotest <==> clote <==> nublar

aufen-closest  <==> close <==> cerrar

aufen-lotest <==> lote <==> cargar

aufen-losest  <==> lose <==> perder

Ish aufen-closest ther fensterish,

becose is fehming cold.

I close the window,

becose is making cold.

Ish bin watching by ther fensterish but Ish not watchest ther street.

I am watching by the window but I not watch the street.

viernes, 2 de octubre de 2020


I gow to thaier-up to the terred.

I gow to thaier-dawn to the street.

Ish gehest to thaier-up to ther terred

Ish gehest to thaier-dawn to ther street.

jueves, 1 de octubre de 2020

stehed-English [ HN-K ]

smehnest <==> smoke <==> fumar

umber-mehnest <==> moske <==> molestar? o firmar?

strehnest <==> strike <==> atacar

umber-trehnest <==> triske <==> sacar

spehnest <==> speak <==> parlar-pues o hablar

umber-pehnest <==> peask <==> pescar

srehnest <==> srake <==> ?

umber-rehnest <==> raske <==> arriesgar

Ish spehnest Germanish.

I speak Germanish.

Ish smehnest ein cigarret.

I smoke a cigarret.

Ish umber-trehnest ther cot-hed from ther table?.

I triske the coted from the table?

not umber-mehnest here, umber-mehnest shere.

not moske here, moske shere.

stehed-English [ here-shere ]

here [ hiar ] <==> aquí

shere [ shiar ] <= => allí

hete [ hiat ] <==> esto

shete [ shiat ] <==> eso

hete is here

shete is shere

hete are here

shete are shere

hete binst here

shete binst shere

English [ FE-NTE ]

hafe <==> tener

hante <==> cazar

safe <==> salvar

sante <==> santificar

life <==> vivir

linte <==> ?

stehed-English [ binst-wanst ] y [ are-ware ]

I am <==> Ish bin

yu are <==> yu binst

he is <==> he is

she is <==> she is

wies are <==> wires binst

yues are <==> yures binst

hies are <==> hies binst

shies are <==> shies binst

I was <==> Ish was

yu ware <==> yu wanst

he was <==> he was

she was <==> she was

wies ware <==> wires wanst

yues ware <==> yures wanst

hies ware <==> hies wanst

shies ware <==> shies wanst

martes, 29 de septiembre de 2020

stehed-English [ HM-HL ]

fehm <==> make

fehl <==> smanke

nehm <==> take

nehl <==> stanke

Ish snofest water nehled.

Ish nehmest ein cot-hed, when Ish gehest to ther barish.

Ish wil nehmest ein cot-hed, when Ish wir gehest to ther barish.

is ein put-hed ther cot-hed, when fehlest sugar.

Ish gehest to fehmest ein cafi.

stehed-English [ FN-SN]

ofn <==> open

osn <==> ospen

stofn <==> stop

stosn <==> stosp

yu binst not stofned.

ther dor is ofned, is not closged.

my cock is osned & this is ar puted.

stehed-English [ (T-H)-(S-G) ]

put-h <==> put

pus-g <==> pust

cot-h <==> cot

cos-g <==> cost

shit-h <==> shit

shis-g <==> shist

zhot-h <==> zhot

zhos-g <==> zhost

sit-h <==> sit

sis-g <==> sist

What cos-gest this packatch of cigarrets?.

I pus-gest ar paper on ther table.

when I gehest to shit-hest,

I snofest ther shit-hed.

is snehing & this is ar put-hed.

I am not sit-hed in this moment,

I am stratched on the bed

lunes, 28 de septiembre de 2020

stehed-English [ ge-mhe ]

plage <==> play

plamhe <==> plantche

sage <==> say

samhe <==> santche

bage <==> bay

bamhe <==> bantche

chage <==> chay

chamhe <==> chantche

page <==> pay

pamhe <==> pantche

I plamhe-eres-tehest my kleidung.

I sage-eres-tehest the-it that foleh-eres-tehest.

I plage-eres-tehest to futbol.

stehed-English [ eh-of ]

geh <==> gow 

gof <==> gif

sneh <==> snow

snof <==> snif

zhreh <==> zhrow

zhrof  <==> zhrif

beleh <==> below

belof <==> belif

leh <==> low

lof <==> lif

when I geh-eres-tehest to shit-eres-tehest,

I snof-eres-tehest the shit-eres-tehed.

Is sneh-eres-tehing & is a put-eres-tehed.

I zhreh-eres-tehest the bletch, to the trash-eres-tehed.