domingo, 14 de marzo de 2021


I catch from hete plate,

& I pust it-hete in the plat.

Why ther is not it-hete in the plat?

But ther is it-hete in the plat.

I catch from shete plate,

& I pust it-shete in the plat.

Why ther is not it-shete in the plat?

But ther is it-shete in the plat.

I wont-de-tate to pustader it-hete on the table.

I wont-de-tate to pustader it-shete on the table.

father [o] mother

sonther [o] dotther

brother [o] sisther

uncle-father [o] uncle-mother

uncle-sonther [o] uncle-dotther

uncle-brother [o] uncle-sisther

grand-father [o] grand-mother

grand-sonther [o] grand-dotther

uncle-grand-father [o] uncle-grand-mother

uncle-grand-sonther [o] uncle-grand-dotther

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