sábado, 20 de marzo de 2021


ken ( poder )

kemsh ( venir )

won ( querer )



clomsh ( caer )

I kemsh to until here,

from shere.

I gow to until shere,

from here.

put ( putear )

pust ( poner )

fot ( joder )

fost ( fundir )

foted-yu wizh the puted up

foted-yu wizh the puted dawn.

I am foted & is a puted up.

I am foted & is a puted dawn.

yu its foting-me

yu its puting-me

it-hete is a puted up,

that hies maked-yu.

it-shete is a puted dawn,

that shies maked-yu.

it-hete is a foted puted up.

it-shete is a foted puted dawn.

is a puted up to gow to take a coted,

when I ken not to exitate from my haws.

is a puted dawn to gow to take a coted.

when I ken not to intrate to the bar.

not foted-me there wosing my coted here & naw is shere.

not foted-me there wosing my coted shere & naw is here.

there wosed a crashed up hete morning.

there wosed a crashed dawn hete morning.

befor [o] after ( antes de [o] después de )

I gow befor yu to the woter-closed.

I gow after yu to the woter-closed.

I vader gow to a after-discotek.

I vader gow to a befor-discotek.

thaw [o] zhaw ( ya [o] aun )

& therefore [o] becose

thaw is closed the window.

zhaw is not closed the window.

thaw is here

zhaw is not here.

fuck ( follar )

fink ( meter )

the cock is finked in the chotch when is fucking.

the cock is finked in the boke when is fucking up.

the cock is finked in the cule when is fucking comback of.

the chotch is finked in the boke when is fucking dawn.

yu its fucked comback of by me.

I am fucked comback of by yu.

yu its fucking comback of me, ( me estás enculando )

wizh the-it that make yu.

I am fucking comback of yu,

wizh the-it that make I.

that hies fuck-yu comback of wizhawt a dilded.

that shies fuck-yu comback of wizh a dilded.

is a puted the facial puted up.

is a puted the facial puted dawn.

slick my cock.

slick my chotch. 

fuck-me up the cock.

fuck-me dawn the chotch.

I gow ited up.

I gow drinked up.

I gow smoked up.

I gow snifed up.

viernes, 19 de marzo de 2021


yu wont-in-heit to mehmesen-heider ein cotesen-heined wizh Ish-de-mein-hofta?

yu wont-in-heut to mehmesen-heuder ein cotesen-heuned wizh Ish-de-meun-hofta?

Ish bin-in-heit

yu binst-in-heit

he is-in-heit

she is-in-heit

miércoles, 17 de marzo de 2021

stowed-english & stehed-english


I am.

yu its.

he is.

she is.

wies somitch.

yues sowitch.

hies are.

shies are.


I was.

yu wots.

he wos.

she wos.

wies foremitch

yues forewitch

hies ware

shies ware

the [o] ther

a [o] ar

-kowist [o] -kehist

here [o] shere

hete [o] shete

it-hete [o] it-shete

mutch [o] poke

smash [o] smensh

up [o] dawn

over [o] under

on [o] in sote

in front of [o] comback of

left [o] right

wizh [o] wizhawt

inture [o] awter

to [o] from

in [o] at

to until [o] while

for [o] by

yes [o] not

I am in front of the dor.

I am comback of the dor.

I am in front of ther dor.

I am comback of ther dor.

wies somitch taking in sote. ( despegar )

wies somitch taking on. ( aterrizar )

I switch in sote the television. ( apagar )

I switch on the television. ( encender )

I pust in sote a cigar from the packatch. ( sacar )

I pust on a cigar to the packatch. ( meter )

is a puted the coted,

when sfanke sugar.

is ar put-hed ther cot-hed,

when fehlest sugar.

I gow to the woter-closed.

I gehest to ther woter-closed.

there is people in the woter-closed,

& is ocuped.

there is people in ther woter-closed,

& is ocuped.

ur-novi-kowist reforces are pusted.

ur-novi-kehist reforces are pusged.

there is a paper on the table.

there is ar paper on ther table.

I speak the Stowed-English.

I spehnest ther Stehed-English.

I smoke a cigarret.

I smehnest ar cigarret.

it-hete is the-it that folow I.

it-hete is ther-it that folehest I.

yesterday, he vader gow to the mountain.

yesterday, he vader gehest to ther mountain.

hete morning, he gowed to the mountain.

hete morning, he gehed to ther mountain.

huviader gowed in other stated.

huviader gehed in other stated.

I havader speak hete lenguatch.

I havader spehnest hete lenguatch.

wies nos foremitch cansating, making sport.

wies nos foremitch cansating-hofnest, mehming sport.

I stock to the people wizh the energy writed.

I stehnest to ther people wizh ther energy writed.

I srake the window.

I srehnest ther window.

I meat wizh yu in the bar.

I meat-hest wizh yu in ther bar.

the ambient is hoted

the ambient is frosted

ther ambient is hot-hed

ther ambient is frosged.

there is that zhrif.

there is that zhrofest.

gif [o] gofest [ dar ]

gow [o] gehest [ var ]

snif [o] snofest [ oler ]

snow [o] snehest [ nevar ]

zhrif [o] zhrofest [ acertar ] 

zhrow [o] zhrehest [ tirar ]

folif [o] folofest [ caer ]

folow [o] folehest [ seguir ]

bilif [o] bilofest [ subir ]

bilow [o] bilehest [ bajar ]

blif [o] blofest [ bucear ]

blow [o] blehest [ bufar ]

grif [o] grofest [ decrecer ]

grow [o] grehest [ crecer ]

love [o] lovest

live [o] livest

move [o] movest

mive [o] mivest

hot [o] hot-hest

host [o] hosgest

frot [o] frot-hest

frost [o] frosgest

speak [o] spehnest [ parlar-pues ]

smoke [o] smehnest [ fumar ]

stock [o] stehnest [ proveer ]

strike [o] strehnest [ atacar ]

srake [o] srehnest [ abrir ]

slick [o] slehnest [ chupar ]

zhuck [o] zhuckest [ complicar ]

zhink [o] zhinkest [ pensar ]

druck [o] druckest [ drogar ]

drink [o] drinkest [ beber ]

block [o] blockest [ bloquear ]

brock [o] brockest [ poner piezas ]

critate [o] critate-hofnest [ crear ]

cristate [o] cristate-hofnest [ creyer ]





martes, 16 de marzo de 2021

stehed-deutch-ei y stehed-deutch-eu


Ish tehmesen-heinest ein cotesen-heined.

Ish nitch tehmesen-heinest ein cotesen-heined.

Ish tehmesen-heunest ein cotesen-heuned.

Ish nitch tehmesen-heunest ein cotesen-heuned.

Ish smehnesen-heinest ein cigarzeisen.

Ish smehnesen-heunest ein cigarzeusen.

fehlesen-heinest sugarzeisen to das cotesen-heined.

fehlesen-heunest sugarzeusen to das cotesen-heuned.

das-hete-en spehnesen-heined is nitch ein putesen-heined.

das-hete-en spehnesen-heuned is nitch ein putesen-heuned.


Ish gehesen-heinest to das medical atentiona.

Ish gehesen-heunest to das medical atentiona.

das putesen-heined is ur-duri-kehesen-heinist.

das putesen-heined is ur-blandi-kehesen-heinist.

das putesen-heuned is ur-duri-kehesen-heunist.

das putesen-heuned is ur-blandi-kehesen-heunist.

Ish gehesen-heinest ur-rapidi-kehesen-heinist to das woter-closesen-heined.

Ish gehesen-heinest ur-lenti-kehesen-heinist to das woter-closesen-heined.

Ish gehesen-heunest ur-rapidi-kehesen-heunist to das woter-closesen-heuned.

Ish gehesen-heunest ur-lenti-kehesen-heunist to das woter-closesen-heuned.

there is persons in das woter-closesen-heined,

is ocupesen-heined.

there is nitch persons in das woter-closesen-heined,

is nitch ocupesen-heined.

there is persons in das woter-closesen-heuned,

is ocupesen-heuned.

there is nitch persons in das woter-closesen-heuned,

is nitch ocupesen-heuned.

Ish sagesen-heinest das-it that folehesen-heinest,

& is it-hete das-it that sagesen-heinest.

Ish sagesen-heunest das-it that folehesen-heunest,

& is it-hete das-it that sagesen-heunest.

Ish srehnesen-heinest das feinester.

Ish srehnesen-heunest das feunester.

Ish sagesen-heinest my neimen.

Ish sagesen-heunest my neumen.

Ish bilofesen-heinest to das terresen-heined.

Ish bilofesen-heunest to das terresen-heuned.

Ish nitch gehesen-heinest smehnesen-heined.

Ish nitch gehesen-heunest smehnesen-heuned.

Ish spehnesen-heinest wizh ein heimen.

Ish spehnesen-heunest wizh ein heumen.

Ish demostresen-heined hete-in demostrationa.

Ish demostresen-heuned hete-in demostrationa.

Ish trinkesen-heinest ein einerjjen-trink.

Ish trinkesen-heunest ein eunerjjen-trink.

Ish truckesen-heinest-me wizh einerjjen-trinks.

Ish truckesen-heunest-me wizh eunerjjen-trinks.

Ish closesen-heinest das einer-tor.

Ish closesen-heunest das euner-tor.

Ish pusgesen-heinest ein paperzeisen on das teibeslen.

Ish pusgesen-heunest ein paperzeusen on das teubeslen.

das peipeslen smehnesen-heinest cigarzeisens.

das peupeslen smehnesen-heunest cigarzeusens.

Ish gehesen-heinest to das einer-bar,

to tehmesen-heinest ein cotesen-heined.

Ish gehesen-heunest to das euner-bar,

to tehmesen-heunest ein cotesen-heuned.

Ish usesen-heinest my einer-baren.

Ish usesen-heunest my euner-baren.

there is ein mullerzeisen wizh mutchen powerzeisen in hete-in einer-wor.

there is ein mullerzeusen wizh mutchen powerzeusen in hete-in euner-wor.

das closesen-heinestor is pusgesen-heined.

das closesen-heunestor is pusgesen-heuned.

Ish pusgesen-heinest einer-tiskes in das einer-tiskotek.

Ish pusgesen-heunest euner-tiskes in das euner-tiskotek.

das einer-plat

das euner-plat

das einer-platen

das euner-platen

Romano-del-Po y Rumanu-del-Pu

cantare-tom [o] cantare-tum

cantato [o] cantatu

cantanto [o] cantante


cantare-po [o] cantare-pu

cantamo [o] cantamu

cantái [o] cantái

cantan [o] cantan

pasato próximo:

havere-po cantato [o] havere-pu cantatu

havéremo cantato [o] havéremu cantatu

haverei cantato [o] haverei cantato

haveren cantato [o] haveren cantatu


vare-po cantare-tom [o] vare-pu cantare-tum

váremo cantare-tom [o] váremu cantare-tum

varei cantare-tom [o] varei cantare-tum

varan cantare-tom [o] varan cantare-tum


cantave-po [o] cantave-pu

cantávamo [o] cantávamu

cantavai [o] cantavai

cantavan [o] cantavan

futuro terminato:

habré-po cantato [o] habré-pu cantatu

habremo cantato [o] habremu cantatu

habréi cantato [o] habréi cantatu

habrán cantato [o] habrán cantatu


habríe-po cantato [o] habríe-pu cantatu

habríemo cantato [o] habríemu cantatu

habríei cantato [o] habríei cantatu

habrían cantato [o] habrían cantatu

-tate [o] -tati

-ore [o] -ori

-ora [o] -ori

-ure [o] -uri

-ura [o] -uri

-o [o] -i

-a [o] -i

-u [o] -i

-a [o] -i

tú parlare-po romano-del-Po?.

yo parlare-po romano-del-Po.

tú parlare-pu rumanu-del-Pu?.

yo parlare-pu rumanu-del-Pu.

si llovere-po entonchi yo me mullare-po.

llovere-po y yo no me mullare-po.

si llovere-pu entunchi yo me mullare-pu.

llovere-pu y yo no me mullare-pu.

tú no dechire-po nata que tú molestare-po.

tú no dechire-pu nata que tú molestare-pu.

yo querere-po cantare-tom en romano-del-Po.

yo querere-pu cantare-tum en rumanu-del-Pu.

yo havere-po parlato en romamo-del-Po.

yo havere-pu parlatu en rumanu-del-Pu.

te gustare-po mi peinato?

me gustare-po tu peinato.

te gustare-pu mi peinatu?

me gustare-pu tu peinatu.

yo havere-po encontrato unos dos fumadori.

yo havere-pu encontratu unus dus fumaduri.

yo no entendere-po porque yo molestare-po.

yo no entendere-pu purque yo molestare-pu.

sere-po [o] sere-pu

somo [o] somu

souo [o] souo

son [o] son

Françé de le patuá

articuli-çí determinat





aquitço [o] aquil

aquitça [o] aquila

aquitços [o] aquils

aquitças [o] aquilas

aquetço [o] aquel

aquetça [o] aquela

aquetços [o] aquels

aquetças [o] aquelas

domingo, 14 de marzo de 2021


I catch from hete plate,

& I pust it-hete in the plat.

Why ther is not it-hete in the plat?

But ther is it-hete in the plat.

I catch from shete plate,

& I pust it-shete in the plat.

Why ther is not it-shete in the plat?

But ther is it-shete in the plat.

I wont-de-tate to pustader it-hete on the table.

I wont-de-tate to pustader it-shete on the table.

father [o] mother

sonther [o] dotther

brother [o] sisther

uncle-father [o] uncle-mother

uncle-sonther [o] uncle-dotther

uncle-brother [o] uncle-sisther

grand-father [o] grand-mother

grand-sonther [o] grand-dotther

uncle-grand-father [o] uncle-grand-mother

uncle-grand-sonther [o] uncle-grand-dotther


EP [ 4 años ] :


Cálculo operacional [ sumar-restar-multiplicar-dividir ]

Castellán-Leonés [ nombres-artículos-verbos-preposiciones-pronombres-adverbios ]

Catalán [ nombres-artículos-verbos-preposiciones-pronombres-adverbios ]

ES [ 4 años ] :
















United Kingdom:










escaños en francia

Fuente gráfico por colores de la asamblea nacional francesa: 577

ERC = 313 = [ Françé de le patuá ]

PP = 100

Cs = 47

Más-País = 35

Junts = 31

UP = 17

PSOF = 16

? = 18

Le plati-çí

La plati-çuá.

Cullû-puá la bari-çuá,

y atacû-puá dans le bari-çí.

Cullû-puá de la plati-çuá,

y m'hû posû-puá dans le plati-çí.

M'he-de-puá [ posatu-dom ]-[ posat ] un tangui-çuá,

y he [ ballatu-dom ]-[ ballat ] un tangui-çí.

Le capi-çí s'ha-de-puá [ posatu-dom ]-[ posat ] una capi-çuá.

Brindû-puá avec cavi-çuá per le cavi-çí Cañaveral.

le teorem-çuá

le problem-çuá

le program-çuá


le projim-çí

la projim-çuá

le proxim-çí

la proxim-çuá





le matin

le camin

le vin

le ben







Has-de-puá de [ demostrare-dom ]-[ demostrar ] la [ demostraciún ]-[ demostraciú ]

de celui-çí teorem-çuá.

Les-des homs,

tenen-puá polli-çuá.

y tenen-puá nom-çí masculín.

Las-das woms,

tenen-puá coñi-çí.

y tenen-puá nom-çí femenín.

Menjû-puá le pani-çí,

avec le [ pantalún ]-[ pantalú ] de pani-çuá ben [ posatu-dom ]-[ posat ].

Ne menjû-puá le pani-çí,

avec le [ pantalún ]-[ pantalú ] de pani-çuá mal [ posatu-dom ]-[ posat ].

Hi ha-de-puá un descontroli-çí dans la societé.

Hi ha-de-puá un controli-çí dans la societé.

Hi ha-de-puá celui-çó,

dans celui-çí plati-çí.

Hi ha-de-puá celui-ló,

dans celui-lí plati-çí.

És-de-puá bon-çí,

le françé de le patuá,

no és-de-puá una merdi-çuá.

És-de-puá dolent-çí,

le françé de le pamuá,

és-de-puá una merdi-çuá.

Celui-çuá françe-çuá,

le menja-puá la polli-çuá,

a le mesier.

Celui-çí françe-çí,

le menja-puá le coñi-çí,

a la madam.

Celui-lí mesier,

és-de-puá mult-bicup-çí catalan-çí.

Celui-luá madam,

és-de-puá mult-bicup-çí catalan-çuá.

Tingû-puá un nebot-çí,

que té-de-puá una german-çuá.

y té-de-tek un onclet-çí

Tingû-puá una nebot-çuá,

que té-de-puá un german-çí,

y té-de-tek una onclet-çuá

Euskal-Herri-koak y Ástur-Nort-koashek y Áltek-Nort-koaikek Bascotzok





aquetek [o] aquelek

aquetak [o] aquelak

aqueteks [o] aqueleks

aquetaks [o] aquelaks


aqueteshek [o] aqueleshek

aquetashek [o] aquelashek

aquetesheks [o] aquelesheks

aquetasheks [o] aquelasheks


aqueteikek [o] aqueleikek

aquetaikek [o] aquelaikek

aqueteikeks [o] aqueleikeks

aquetaikeks [o] aquelaikeks

vull-de-tek sere-dut anai-dut-askatat-koak.

vull-de-tek sere-dut anai-dut-askatat-koashek.

vull-de-tek sere-dut anai-dut-askatat-koaikek.

parlû-tek aquetek itzeguin-koak.

parlû-tek aqueteshek itzeguin-koashek.

parlû-tek aqueteikek itzeguin-koaikek.

noekotrek parlemek el Bascotzok Itzeguin-koak.

noekotrek parlemeshek el Bascotzok Itzeguin-koashek.

noekotrek parlemeikek el Bascotzok Itzeguin-koaikek.

voekotrek parleuek el Bascotzok Itzeguin-koak.

voekotrek parleueshek el Bascotzok Itzeguin-koashek.

voekotrek parleueikek el Bascotzok Itzeguin-koaikek.

escaños de España

Portugale-y: 30

PS = 15

PSD = 12

BE = 3

Aquí parlamush-puesh: lu gallegu-portuguese-y.

Galishia: 20

PP = 11

BNG = 5

PSOE = 4

Aquí parlamush-puesh: u gallegu-portuguese-y.

Castilla-Madrid: 125

PSOE = 37

PP = 30

Cs = 26

Más-Madrid = 25

UP = 7