sábado, 26 de septiembre de 2020


I not answer-es-tehed to the question,

the question is open-es-tehed.

I not answered to the question,

the question is opened.

I am wark-eres-tehing in the lenguatch.

I am warking in the lenguatch.

the-it that make-eres-tehest I, is not a put-eres-tehed.

the-it that make I, is not a puted.

If I huspehed cot-eres-tehed the paper,

the paper is hupehed cot-eres-tehed.

If I husped coted the paper,

the paper is huped coted.

If is huspehed rain-eres-tehing,

I hupehed catch-eres-tehest an umbrela.

If is husped raining,

I huped catch an umbrela.






hupehed crash-eres-tehest

hupehed crash-eres-tehed

huspehed crash-eres-tehest

huspehed crash-eres-tehed

stehed-english [ posesifs ] y [ personal pronames ]

my <==> I <==> Ish

yur <==> yu <==> yu

hir <==> he <==> he

shir <==> she <==> she

wirer <==> wies <==> wires

yurer <==> yues <==> yures

hirer <==> hies <==> hies

shirer <==> shies <==> shies

hirer correction is maked by shies.

shirer correction is maked by hies.

hirer correction is fehmed by shies.

shirer correction is fehmed by hies.

english [ huped-husped ] y [ wil-wir ] y [ hase ]

this English is a puted,

if yu won not to chantche the lenguatch.

I can not to chantche the lenguatch alone.

auxiliar verbs:

huped <==> habríor

husped <==> hubiesor

huped crash <==> rompería

huped crashed <==> habría roto

husped crash <==> rompiese

husped crashed <==> hubiese roto

If I husped coted the paper, he is huped coted.

Si yo hubiese cortado el papel, ello estaría cortado.

If he is husped wel, he is huped playing.

Si ello estuviese bien, ello estaría jugando.

If I husped hate marihuan, I am huped smoking.

Si yo tuviese marihuana, yo estaría fumando.

If I husped bayed marihuan, I huped hate marihuan.

Si yo hubiese comprado marihuana, yo tendría marihuana.

wil <==> habror

wir <==> hayor

wil crash <==> romperá

wil crashed <==> habrá roto

wir crash <==> rompa

wir crashed <==> haya roto

hate <==> odiar

hase <==> haber

hase zhunders.

hased zhunders.

hasing zhunders.

hase-de-ture zhunders.

hase-de-tures zhunders.

huped hase zhunders.

husped hase zhunders.

wil hase zhunders.

wir hase zhunders

english [ AY-ANTCHE ]

play <==> jugar

plantche <==> planchar

say <==> decir

santche <==> ensanchar?

bay <==> comprar

bantche <==> vengar?

chay <==> pasturar?

chantche <==> cambiar

pay <==> pagar

pantche <==> colgar?

viernes, 25 de septiembre de 2020

english [ N-MSH ]

clon <==> clonar

clomsh <==> caer?

win <==> ganar

wimsh <==> vencer?

rain <==> llover

raimsh <==> ?

ron <==> correr

romsh <==> irrompir?

english [ SH-TCH ]

watch <==> mirar

wash <==> limpiar

totch <==> tocar

tosh <==> chocar

catch <==> coger

cash <==> cobrar

zhratch <==> ?

zhrash <==> pegar

scratch <==> escrachar

crash <==> romper

english [ IF-OW ]

gow <==> vatch-nar o ir

gif <==> dar o donar

snow <==> nevar

snif <==> oler

know <==> saber

knif <==> arreglar?

zhrow <==> tirar

zhrif <==> estirar?

below <==> sumergir?

belif <==> creer

english [ T-S ]

hate <==> odiar

hase <==> haber

write <==> escribir

wrise <==> ascender

deswrite <==> describir

deswrise <==> descender

clote <==> nublar

close <==> cerrar

lote <==> derrotar?

lose <==> perder

ate <==> comer

ase <==> asar?

english [ P-SP ]

open <==> abrir

ospen <==> expandir

stop <==> parar

stosp <==> toser

scupe <==> escupir

scuspe <==> escusar

jomp <==> saltar

jomsp <==> ?

english [ K-NK ] y [ K-SK ]

drok <==> drogar

dronk <==> beber

make <==> hacer

smanke <==> faltar o mancar

take <==> tomar o prender

stanke <==> estancar

strike <==> atacar

triske <==> traer

srake <==> ?

raske <==> rascar

speak <==> parlar-pues o hablar

peask <==> pescar

smoke <==> fumar

moske <==> firmar?

english [ T-ST ]

put <==> putear

pust <==> poner

cot <==> cortar

cost <==> valer

exit <==> salir

exist <==> existir

shit <==> cagar

shist <==> reir?

wate <==> esperar

waste <==> malgastar

molet <==> molar?

molest <==> molestar

devat <==> debatir

devast <==> devastar

english [ R-L ]

wark <==> trabajar

walk <==> andar

tork <==> ?

tolk <==> comentar

seartch <==> buscar

sealtch <==> vender

scortch <==> quemar

scoltch <==> llamar

fear <==> temer

feal <==> sentir

enter <==> entrar

entel <==> entender?

answer <==> contestar

answel <==> curar?

bertch <==> pear-se?

beltch <==> eructar

enterrate <==> enterrar

entel·late <==> entelar

desenterrate <==> desenterrar

desentel·late <==> desentelar

jueves, 24 de septiembre de 2020


m·( d_{t}[x]/( 1+(-1)·(d_{t}[x]^{2}/c^{2}) )^{(1/2)} ) = p

m·( d_{tt}^{2}[x]/( 1+(-1)·(d_{t}[x]^{2}/c^{2}) )^{(3/2)} ) = F

d_{t}[ d_{t}[x]^{2} ] = 2·d_{t}[x]·d_{tt}^{2}[x]

mc^{2}·( 1/( 1+(-1)·(d_{t}[x]^{2}/c^{2}) )^{(1/2)} )+(-1)·mc^{2}+mc^{2} = E

mc^{2}·( 1/( 1+(-1)·(d_{t}[x]^{2}/c^{2}) )^{(1/2)} ) = mc^{2} <==> ...

... d_{t}[x] = 0

mc^{2}·( 1/( 1+(-1)·(d_{t}[x]^{2}/c^{2}) )^{(1/2)} ) = E <==> ...

... d_{t}[x] = ( (1+(-1)·(mc^{2})/E) )^{(1/2)}·c

... x(t) = ( (1+(-1)·(mc^{2})/E) )^{(1/2)}·ct

... E >] mc^{2}

mc^{2}·( 1/( 1+(-1)·(d_{t}[x]^{2}/c^{2}) )^{(1/2)} ) = h·(1/t) <==> ...

... d_{t}[x] = ( (1+(-1)·(mc^{2}·t)/h) )^{(1/2)}·c

... x(t) = (-1)·(2/3)·( h/(mc) )·( (1+(-1)·(mc^{2}·t)/h) )^{(3/2)}...

... 0 < t = (1/n)·( h/(mc^{2}) ) [< ( h/(mc^{2}) )

mc^{2}·( 1/( 1+(-1)·(d_{t}[x]^{2}/c^{2}) )^{(1/2)} ) = f(t) <==> ...

... d_{t}[x] = ( (1+(-1)·(mc^{2})/f(t)) )^{(1/2)}·c

... x(t) = (1/3)·( f(t) )^{3} [o(t)o] ( f(t) )^{[o(t)o](-2)} [o(t)o] ...

... (2/3)·( 1/(mc^{2}) )·( (1+(-1)·(mc^{2})/f(t)) )^{(3/2)}...

... x(t) = ( int[ f(t) ] d[t] )^{[o(t)o]2} [o(t)o] ( f(t) )^{[o(t)o](-1)} [o(t)o] ...

... (2/3)·( 1/(mc^{2}) )·( (1+(-1)·(mc^{2})/f(t)) )^{(3/2)}...

... f(t) >] mc^{2}

( 1/(n+1) )·( f(t) )^{n+1} = ( int[ f(t) ] d[t] )^{[o(t)o]n} [o(t)o] f(t)


f(k) = [ k // n ]·2^{(-n)}

Sum[ f(k) ] = 1

Sum[ k·f(k) ] = (n/2)

d_{x}[ (x+1)^{n} ]

Sum[ k^{2}·f(k) ] = (n/4)·(n+1)

d_{xx}^{2}[ x(x+1)^{n} ] = d_{x}[ (x+1)^{n}+xn(x+1)^{n+(-1)} ]

acción-reacción física

Lo espichado de la piscina horizontal:

m·d_{tt}^{2}[ x(t) ] = (-F)

m·d_{tt}^{2}[ (-1)·x(t) ] = F

Lo movimiento parabólico:

m·d_{tt}^{2}[ y(t) ] = (-1)·qg

m·d_{tt}^{2}[ (-1)·y(t) ] = qg

Lo salto:

m·d_{tt}^{2}[ y(t) ] = (-1)·qg + F

m·d_{tt}^{2}[ (-1)·y(t) ] = qg + (-F)

Lo plano inclinado de ángulo s con la horizontal:

m·d_{tt}^{2}[ y(t) ] = (-1)·qg·sin(s)

m·d_{tt}^{2}[ (-1)·y(t) ] = qg·sin(s)

La cuña de ángulo s con la vertical:

m·d_{tt}^{2}[ x(t) ] = (-2)·sin(s)·F

m·d_{tt}^{2}[ (-1)·x(t) ] =  2·sin(s)·F

La cuña de ángulo s con la horizontal:

m·d_{tt}^{2}[ y(t) ] = (-1)·( qg + 2·sin(s)·F )

m·d_{tt}^{2}[ (-1)·y(t) ] = qg + 2·sin(s)·F


h_{i}(F) = x_{j} <==> h_{j}( (-1)·F ) = (-1)·x_{i}

h_{i}( (-1)·F ) = x_{j} <==> h_{j}(F) = (-1)·x_{i}

h_{i}(acción) = coordenadas_{j} <==> h_{j}( (-1)·acción ) = (-1)·coordenadas_{i}

h_{i}( (-1)·acción ) = coordenadas_{j} <==> h_{j}( acción ) = (-1)·coordenadas_{i}

h_{i}(acción-en-el-bien) = j <==> h_{j}(reacción-en-el-bien) = i

h_{i}(acción-en-el-mal) = j <==> h_{j}(reacción-en-el-mal) = i

i cocina a j <==> lo símbolo de j cocina a i

i compra cosas de j <==> lo símbolo de j compra cosas de i

i hace petas de j <==> lo símbolo de j hace petas de i

i dispara a j <==> lo símbolo de j dispara a i

i roba a j <==> lo símbolo de j roba a i

i viola a j <==> lo símbolo de j viola a i

La turbina de lo barco:

m·d_{tt}^{2}[ z(t) ] = ...

... cos(at)·( sin(at) )^{2}+(-1)·( cos(at) )^{2}·sin(at)+(1/k)·cos(at)·sin(at)

m·d_{tt}^{2}[ (-1)·z(t) ] = ...

... sin(at)·( cos(at) )^{2}+(-1)·( sin(at) )^{2}·cos(at)+(-1)·(1/k)·cos(at)·sin(at)

< cos(at), sin(at), 0 > [o] ...

... < cos(at)·( sin(at) )^{2},(-1)·( cos(at) )^{2}·sin(at),(1/k)·cos(at)·sin(at) > = 0

< (-1)·sin(at), cos(at), k > [o] ...

... < cos(at)·( sin(at) )^{2},(-1)·( cos(at) )^{2}·sin(at),(1/k)·cos(at)·sin(at) > = 0

< sin(at), cos(at), 0 > [o] ...

... < sin(at)·( cos(at) )^{2},(-1)·( sin(at) )^{2}·cos(at),(-1)·(1/k)·cos(at)·sin(at) > = 0

< cos(at), (-1)·sin(at), k > [o] ...

... < sin(at)·( cos(at) )^{2},(-1)·( sin(at) )^{2}·cos(at),(-1)·(1/k)·cos(at)·sin(at) > = 0

at = 0

< cos(at),sin(at),0 > = <1,0,0>

< sin(at), cos(at),0 > = <0,1,0>

< (-1)·sin(at),cos(at),k > = <0,1,k>

< cos(at), (-1)·sin(at),k > = <1,0,k>

at = (pi/2)

< cos(at),sin(at),0 > = <0,1,0>

< sin(at), cos(at),0 > = <1,0,0>

< (-1)·sin(at),cos(at),k > = <(-1),0,k>

< cos(at), (-1)·sin(at),k > = <0,(-1),k>

at = pi

< cos(at),sin(at),0 > = <(-1),0,0>

< sin(at), cos(at),0 > = <0,(-1),0>

< (-1)·sin(at),cos(at),k > = <0,(-1),k>

< cos(at), (-1)·sin(at),k > = <(-1),0,k>

at = (-1)·(pi/2)

< cos(at),sin(at),0 > = <0,(-1),0>

< sin(at), cos(at),0 > = <(-1),0,0>

< (-1)·sin(at),cos(at),k > = <1,0,k>

< cos(at), (-1)·sin(at),k > = <0,1,k>

< cos(at),sin(at),0 > = giro-positivo

< sin(at), cos(at),0 > = giro-negativo

< (-1)·sin(at),cos(at),k > = velocidad-positiva

< cos(at), (-1)·sin(at),k > = velocidad-negativa

miércoles, 23 de septiembre de 2020


put <==> putear

pust <==> poner

I pust the paper on the table.

cot <==> cortar

cost <==> valer

What cost this packatch of cigarrets?.

scratch <==> escrachar

crash <==> romper

spitch <==> espichar-pues

pish <==> mear

catch <==> coger

cash <==> pagar

zhratch <==> ?

zhrash <==> pegar

watch <==> mirar

wash <==> limpiar

wark <==> trabajar

walk <==> andar

sclote <==> ?

close <==> cerrar

write <==> escribir

wrise <==> ascender

totch <==> tocar

tosh <==> chocar

tw cars have toshed in the circuit.

exit <==> salir

exist <==> existir

open <==> abrir

ospen <==> expandir

my cock is ospened, every day in the morning, & is a puted.

srake <==> ?

raske <==> rascar

strike <==> atacar

triske <==> traer

make <==> hacer

smanke <==> faltar o mancar

take <==> tomar o prender

stanke <==> estancar

shit <==> cagar

shist <==> reir

gow <==> vatch-nar o ir

gowit <==> ?

push <==> subir

bash <==> bajar

switch-on <==> encender

switch-off <==> apagar

martes, 22 de septiembre de 2020

hawsnutch [ -etch ]

put <==> poner

putetchtader <==> putetchteuder

putetchtated <==> putetchteuted

putetchtating <==> putetchteuting

is-de-tate ponderetchtated the paper on the table.

is-de-teute ponderetchteuted the peuper on the teuble.

is-de-tite ponderetchtited the piper on the tible.

is-de-tuite ponderetchtuited the puiper on the tuible.

primitive sound hawsnutch [ sh ]

bash <==> bajar

cash <==> cobrar

crash <==> romper

zhrash <==> pegar

wash <==> limpiar

splash <==> salpicar

lunes, 21 de septiembre de 2020


nusate cantatems a canttion avec vus-de-sie.

vusate cantateus a canttion avec nus-de-sie.

nuseute canteutems a canttion avec vus-de-sie-hofta.

vuseute canteuteus a canttion avec nus-de-sie-hofta.

ils cantaten a canttion avec iles-de-sie.

iles cantaten a canttion avec ils-de-sie.

ils canteuten a canttion avec iles-de-sie-hofta.

iles canteuten a canttion avec ils-de-sie-hofta.

vols-de-tate fatzader a coffi avec ye-de-mie?

vull-de-tate fatzader a coffi avec tú-de-tie.

vols-de-teute fatzeuder a coffi avec ye-de-mie-hofta?

vull-de-teute fatzeuder a coffi avec tú-de-tie-hofta.

pushates to the terrated avec ye-de-mie?

pushatû to the terrated avec tú-de-tie.

bashates from the terrated avec ye-de-mie?

bashatû from the terrated avec tú-de-tie.

pusheutes to the terreuted avec ye-de-mie-hofta?

pusheutû to the terreuted avec tú-de-tie-hofta.

basheutes from the terreuted avec ye-de-mie-hofta?

basheutû from the terreuted avec tú-de-tie-hofta.

domingo, 20 de septiembre de 2020








the plat is crashed.

the plat is not crashed.

the-he that,

zhot in green,

zhot in red.

the-she that,

zhot in red,

zhot in green.

lo-ello que,

piensa en verde,

piensa en rojo.

la-ella que,

piensa en rojo,

piensa en verde.

the-híes that, 

walk in the foscurity,

not watch the way.

the-shíes that,

walk in the luminity,

watch the way.

the-it that zhot-de-ture he,

was-de-ture a sex femenin.

the-it that zhot-de-ture she,

was-de-ture a sex masculin.

I gow to open the window,

becose is making hot,

& I have hot.

I gow to close the window,

becose is making cold,

& I have cold.

I gow to the platche,

becose is making sun.

When is making sun,

is not dangerous, 

there is not zhunders.

I not gow to the platche,

becose is making rain.

When is making rain,

is dangerous,

there is zhunders.